SafeSize is the global leader in shoe recommendation and fitting advice. They offer a personalized solution, that uses rich connected data and machine learning for constant improvement. How does the whole process look like?
- Shoe Scanning
Shoe Scanning: Shoe models tend to have significant size inconsistencies. Preferences per customer vary, for a tighter or looser shoe. Therefore SafeSize has developed a unique, in-house software solution for measuring and visualizing 3D inner shoe models. With over +1,5 million shoes scanned, they have the largest database of scanned shoes.
Shoe Measurement: The in-house developed X-ray scanning solution captures in detail the inner shoe volume while replicating the pressure of a real foot. The solution offers a unique upper shoe part measurement, that creates a perfect fit for the calf.
Processing: The in-house developed software solution measures and visualizes the 3D inner shoe model. As a result, physical footwear is transforming into digital 3D Fitting Clones. What’s more, only 3 sizes per model are needed for the scan.
- Foot Scanning
SafeSize 3d scanner offers the most advanced foot analysis options. With over +12 million people scanned, they have the largest consumer-foot scan database.
Static analysis: 8 generations of 3D foot scanners developed over the last 10 years in collaboration with top technology partners worldwide (Intel, HP, Vitronic)
Dynamic analysis: Integration of all available dynamic analysis solutions under one software package; Gait analysis using state of the art pressure plate technology; Tablet-based video gait analysis
- Shoe Recommendation
Shoe and foot scanning deliver information in the form of shoe recommendation and fitting algorithms based on 15 years of testing and development from shoe, medical, and retail experts, result in a fully personalized shoe recommendation.
By combining all the previous steps SafeSize 3D foot scanner can offer in-house developed Personalized Size Fitting Algorithm to create the right match of the foot to the perfect fitting shoe. They shoe recommendation is a result of unique artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithm based on:
- 3D Foot geometry
- 3D Shoe Inner Dimensions
- Personal preferences
- Past Purchases
- Omni Channel
So you have created the perfect in-store experience for the shopper, but why stop there? With SafeSize, you can enable shoppers to continue their journey online, creating for them an omnichannel integration experience.
At the beginning of this year, the Sport Vision Company implemented its first SafeSize 3D Foot Scanner in the store in Ada Shopping Mall in Belgrade, Serbia. They designed one corner in the store corner dedicated to runners. The idea was that customer who wants to buy snickers for the running, before deciding what snickers to buy, he/she may test their own foot using a professional scanner. According to the results, the scanner will recommend the perfect match snickers to the customer. After customer try recommended snickers, he or she may test that snickers on the mini running treadmill deployed in the same running corner near the SafeSize 3D scanner. Full experience before customers decide which snickers to buy!